How to create compelling content to get the attention you deserve!
Want to increase your sales and customer engagement in 3 simple steps?
How you ask? By creating compelling content in a way your customers can understand.
Did you know: The lifespan of a tweet is a mere half an hour?
To connect with your audience, you need powerful words and actions to break through the noise. Thousands of messages are directed at us daily but most of them get ignored, overlooked or lost along the way.
What makes you stand out from the crowd is content that a customer actually WANTS to read. Information and substance that excites them and keeps them reading on – and moves them along their customer journey towards buying into your product or service or simply gaining their loyalty.
And not only that, you might have the best product, be it the most efficient, the sleekest, the most forward thinking, but if you aren’t communicating to your customers in their voice on their preferred communication platform, you’ll struggle to get their attention, and ultimately struggle to get sales.
So, before you continue doing the same thing and expecting different results, check out our top 3 tips to creating compelling content and getting it to the hands that matter!
#1 Do it through emotions
A study in 2016 showed that people are 7.1 times more likely to purchase through an emotive campaign
Why? Because people feel first and think second. Even in relation to B2B purchases. We’re all human. You need to get into the reasons behind customer purchases. So often, competing products are similar and have the same functions but it’s the compelling copy around the product description that can drive an emotive response to buy. Simon Sinek spoke at TedTalks 2009 on the WHY, WHAT and HOW which we feel highlights this topic very well. Listen to examples of how companies have got under the skin of emotive purchasing.
Remember: When you use emotive campaigns, your consumers are now not just purchasing a product but rather an experience.
#2 Disruption
The catchphrase of 2018? Disruptive marketing.
We’re all familiar with the old adage “out with the old, in with the new”, and now, many companies are turning to unconventional messaging and events – creating disruption to grab attention and get cut through. This style of communication is used to challenge the current market or to be heard by a new one.
A great example of disruptive marketing is Dove’s campaign #RealBeauty – it disrupts the beauty industry by using real woman, rather than models or celebrities, to sell. Existing customers – and even new ones – walked away from this campaign having gained a new perspective. All in all, Dove broke through the thousands of other messages from the beauty industry to disrupt the conventional industry marketing and portray their brand in a new light.
#3 Change
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” Attributed to Charles Darwin
The pace of change is accelerating, mainly driven by the introduction of technology. The communication platform for instance, is a perfect example of evolution driven from technology.
The flow goes: letter, telegraph, telephone, text, email, WhatsApp, What’sNext?!
This is where businesses need to not only stay abreast of such developments, and adapt to the changing consumer environment, but also listen to their customers – what platforms are they using to access information, how are they searching online, how do they like to absorb information (picture, video, infographic etc) and when? All of these insights will help ensure that your content and delivery remain current and relevant to your customers.
Did you know:
In the UK, WhatsApp is the most popular communication App within all age groups with 84% of the 24 – 35-year olds and 78% of 35 – 44-year olds using it

So, if you’re looking for some help or advice in creating compelling content – get in touch with us today.