If you’re looking for learning and development you’re almost certainly going to be looking at e-learning. That’s because you can see the real advantages and the convenience of self-paced, on-demand learning modules that you can put a limitless number of people through and that can be re-visited by learners as refreshers again and again.
We share that view. But always for the right skills and requirements.
E-learning is best suited to those topics where there is a lot of factual and process information to assimilate. So choose your topics with care.
And you’ll also need to work out how sophisticated you want your learning to be. We talk about 4 levels, these being:

Level 1: Passive
The participant sits, listens and watches the presentation in a fixed order. This type of learning requires no interaction on the part of the user.
Level 2: Limited Interaction
This learning would also include clickable graphics and simple exercises (e.g. drag and drop, matching etc.) and learning tests to check understanding, animated graphics and voice over.
Level 3: Moderate Interaction
The participant has considerable control over the module and involvement in it – deciding what to do when and what path to take through the learning process.
Level 4: Simulation & Game Based
This would involve full gamification of the content using gaming technology, 3D simulations, real time learning, usage of avatars, multimedia, scenarios with multiple outcomes, and all the tests and interactivity of levels 2 and 3.
Virtual Classroom
This takes place in real time, via an online platform with participants logging in from whatever location suits them best. The content and instructional design is key here, so don’t get hung up on the platform. They all have their pros and cons.
All sounds a bit too much? Don’t worry, simply tell us what you want to achieve with your e-learning and we’ll help you do it. Just get in touch to find out how. And if you already know what will work for you but you want some help putting it all into action – just in get touch.
Find out more about our in-person workshops or our fully blended training approach.