Presentations! Fear DBP – ‘Death by PowerPoint’? But what if we told you there’s no such thing?
Yep – DBP doesn’t refer to the software – it’s ‘death by presenter’ (and no, that’s doesn’t mean the presenter’s a vampire – although we have seen some presentations that felt like they sucked the blood from our veins!).
If messages are presented as dull slides – poorly designed, full of text, dozens of hard to read graphs and charts – well, then can you really blame your audience for falling asleep?
The presentation is there to support the presenter, rather than carry them.

We have over 25 years’ experience in not only presentation design, but also conference and seminar presentations, pitch presentations, credentials and corporate presentations, and designing for learning and development – so we know first-hand what’s engaging, what really works and what will simply result in a game of sleeping lions.
Do you want to eliminate your customers’ and prospects’ risk of DBP? Get in touch with us today and click here for some examples of how we make PowerPoint work.
Got an event you want to show your presentation off at? Or click here to read more about our Operational Marketing services.